

<context-provider context={Context} value="foo">...</context-provider>

The context-provider component is required to propagate a value from some context to a sub-tree of components.

The context-provider does not need any import. You can use the custom element context-provider by passing the context and value. It is a web component because this way the value is going to be shared with the web components and also you can use the same provider in web components.

Server component:

import { createContext } from "brisa";
import AnotherComponent from "@/components/another-component";

const ctx = createContext("foo");

export default function ServerComponent() {
  <context-provider context={ctx} value="bar">
    <AnotherComponent />

Web component:

import { createContext } from "brisa";

const ctx = createContext("foo");

export default function WebComponent() {
  <context-provider context={ctx} value="bar">
    <another-component />


  • SomeContext: The context that youโ€™ve previously created with createContext. The context itself does not hold the information, it only represents the kind of information you can provide or read from components.
  • useContext returns the context value inside a signal for the calling component. It is determined as the value passed to the closest context-provider above the calling component in the tree. If there is no such provider, then the returned value will be the defaultValue you have passed to createContext for that context. The returned value is up-to-date, reactive under a signal.


Component Support
Server Component โœ…
Web Component โœ…
SSR Web Component โœ