Writing a custom adapter

Adapters are useful to don't write IaC code, just plug and play. In Brisa, we offer adapters for some Cloud Providers, but you can write your own and share it with the community.

If an adapter for your preferred environment doesn't yet exist, you can build your own. We recommend looking at the source for an adapter to a platform similar to yours and copying it as a starting point.

Feel free to contribute your adapter to the Brisa community by opening a pull request in the Brisa repository.

Adapter packages implement the following API, which creates an Adapter:

import type {ย Adapter } from 'brisa';

export default function yourAdapter(options) {
	const adapter = {
		name: 'adapter-package-name',
		async adapt({ BUILD_DIR, ROOT_DIR, CONFIG }, prerenderedRoutes) {
			// adapter implementation
	} satisfies Adapter;

	return adapter;

Both, name and adapt are required.

export type Adapter = {
   * The name of the adapter.
  name: string;
   * This function is called after Brisa has built your app.
    brisaConstants: BrisaConstants,
    prerenderedRoutes?: Map<string, string[]>,
  ): void | Promise<void>;


The name field is a string that represents the name of the adapter.


The adapt function is going to be called after Brisa has built your app in production mode.

Adapter type is:

Parameters of adapt

The adapt receives the following parameters:

  • The brisaConstants parameter is an object that contains all the constants used by Brisa and the output adapter. It contains information about the build, the environment, the configuration, and more.
  • The prerenderedRoutes parameter is a map of routes to prerendered HTML files. In the case of a static export, this map will contain all the prerendered routes. In the case of a server output, this map will be filled with the prerendered routes, saved in the BUILD_DIR directory, under the prerendered-pages folder.

And BrisaConstants type is:

 * Internal types used by Brisa and output adapters.
export type BrisaConstants = {
  PAGE_404: string;
  PAGE_500: string;
  VERSION: string;
  VERSION_HASH: ReturnType<typeof Bun.hash>;
  RESERVED_PAGES: string[];
  IS_PRODUCTION: boolean;
  IS_DEVELOPMENT: boolean;
  IS_SERVE_PROCESS: boolean;
  PORT: number;
  BUILD_DIR: string;
  ROOT_DIR: string;
  SRC_DIR: string;
  ASSETS_DIR: string;
  PAGES_DIR: string;
  I18N_CONFIG: I18nConfig;
    WAIT: string;
    READY: string;
    INFO: string;
    ERROR: string;
    WARN: string;
    TICK: string;
  LOCALES_SET: Set<string>;
  CONFIG: Configuration;
  IS_STATIC_EXPORT: boolean;
  REGEX: Record<string, RegExp>;
    CACHE_CONTROL: string;

Return value of adapt

The adapt function can return a Promise<void> or void. If the function returns a promise, Brisa will wait for the promise to resolve before continuing.