Static pages

Prerender some pages in output="bun" or output="node"

In Brisa you can prerender pages to have a static/dynamic hybrid app. Although in the configuration is a JS Server you can indicate which pages you want to prerender during the build and then only have to serve the generated HTML file.

For this to be possible, you have to put prerender named export on your pages:

export const prerender = true;

export default function MyPage() {
  // ...

The prerender export can be a boolean or a () => {[param: string]: string|string[]}[] |ย async () => {[param: string]: string|string[]}[] (only in the case of dynamic routes to indicate all the necesary params to prerender).

In the case of a page that is not [dynamic], [[...catchAll]], or [], the boolean is enough.

The boolean only applies when the [`output` is a JS Server (`bun` | node`)](/building-your-application/configuring/output), for the other `output` types all pages will automatically be pre-rendered since there will be no server.

Prerender dynamic routes

In the case of a page that is [dynamic], [[...catchAll]], or [], we need to use the prerender export in a different way.

Example of /pokemons/[slug].tsx:

import type { RequestContext } from "brisa";
import { pokemons } from "@/data";

// To prerender all pokemons, it is necessary to provide the
// slug of "/pokemons/[slug].tsx"
export function prerender() {
  return => ({
    slug: pokemon.slug,

export default function PokemonPage({}, { route }: RequestContext) {
  const slug = route.params.slug; // Read [slug] param
  const pokemon = pokemons.find((p) => p.slug === slug);

  return <h1>{}</h1>;

In this case, to prerender all pokemons, it is necessary that the prerender function returns an array with the slug of /pokemons/[slug].tsx.

The prerender function can be synchronous or asynchronous, if you need to do fetch or any async operation you can do it without problems.

This prerender option works for all types of output. In the case of already static output, it provides some useful information to convert dynamic paths to static ones, without this property, the example can not invert the pokemon paths.

When should I use prerender?

You should use prerender if the page has no dynamic data and must be pre-rendered (for SEO) to be very fast.

When does prerender run?

The prerender will only run during build in production, it will not be called during runtime. The code is never taken to client-side.

Where can I use prerender?

The prerender can only be used inside paths that are pages (inside src/pages), it cannot be used anywhere else.