Output Adapter

The outputAdapter configuration property in brisa.config.ts allows you to define the type of output adapter you desire, with options such as vercel. This enables you to deploy your Brisa project to various cloud providers, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility.

Understanding Output Adapters

1. Vercel Adapter (brisa-adapter-vercel)

The vercel adapter allows you to deploy your Brisa project to Vercel, a cloud platform for static sites, serverless functions and edge entry points. To utilize this adapter in your Brisa project, ensure that your brisa.config.ts file includes the following:

import vercel from 'brisa-adapter-vercel';

export default {
  outputAdapter: vercel({ /* ... */ })

In Vercel, the runtime is based on Node.js and/or Edge runtime.


  • Vercel Adapter
  • Netlify Adapter (coming soon)
  • Cloudflare Adapter (coming soon)