

notFound(): Never

The notFound function allows you to render the 404 page within a route segment as well as inject a <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> tag.

Invoking the notFound() function throws a NotFoundError error and terminates rendering of the route segment in which it was thrown.

import { notFound } from "brisa";

async function fetchUser(id) {
  const res = await fetch("https://...");
  if (!res.ok) return undefined;
  return res.json();

export default async function UserProfile({}, req) {
  const user = await fetchUser(;

  if (!user) {

  // ...
import type { RequestContext } from "brisa";
import { notFound } from "brisa";

type UserType = {

async function fetchUser(id: number | string) {
  const res = await fetch("https://...");
  if (!res.ok) return undefined;
  return res.json();

export default async function UserProfile({}, req: RequestContext) {
  const user: UserType = await fetchUser(;

  if (!user) {

  // ...

Useful to control response status during streaming:

  • Before response streaming (middleware, responseHeaders): It's returning the response with 404 status and the 404 page
  • During response streaming (layout, page, components): Adds the meta tag with noindex, stop rendering the page and sends a client script to replace the page to the 404 page. This redirect is for UX to display the 404 content, here the bots will no longer see that because it has the noindex. However, this soft redirect that is done on the client does not change the browsing history and does receive the 404 status. The browsers normally cache very well the pages that return status 404.
  • During a server action: (server events captured with actions): as the rendering has already been done and it is a post-render action, the 404 in an action acts similarly as in the middle of the streaming. The same happens if in the action instead of calling notFound() directly you do a rerender and the component calls notFound().


  • void. It does not support parameters.


  • Never does not require you to use return notFound() due to using the TypeScript never type.

Avoid using the notFound inside a try/catch block. The navigate is a throwable function and will break the execution of the current function.


Component Support
Server Component โœ…
Web Component โœ…
SSR Web Component โœ…
Actions โœ…
Middleware โœ…
Response headers โœ