


The SSRWebComponent is a component wrapper that allows you to render a web component on the server side taking care of Declarative Shadow DOM and Custom Elements.

Example usage:

In the next example, we use the SSRWebComponent to render a web component on the server side.

import { SSRWebComponent } from "brisa/server";
import MyComponent from "@/web-components/my-component";

export function MyComponent() {
  // It's the same than: <my-component someProp="foo" /> 
  // but without compilation process:
  return (

This work is usually done by Brisa for you during compilation, so you can use <web-component /> directly in your code without having to do 2 imports and use this wrapper. However, it is exposed in case someone needs to do it manually for some reason.

The ssr-selector prop is required and must match the web component's tag name, also the ssr-Component prop is required and must be the web component itself.


export function SSRWebComponent<T>(
  props: T & { 'ssr-selector': string, 'ssr-Component': ComponentType<T>, children?: JSX.Element },
): JSX.Element;